
Still Grieving my Papa

Still Grieving my Papa

My name is Tinayja and I am 13 years old. It’s been a while since I’ve talked about my Papa. And it’s also been a while since I’ve spoken to my Papa’s wife. My Papa’s wife’s name is Sonya, and she is also my grandma. I love both of them a lot, but my Papa is my ride or die. I miss him so much, and I wish he never had to go as he did. If you do not understand what I’m saying, my Papa passed away a couple of years ago. And I’ve been hurt ever since. My brother, my cousin, and I were sitting down on the floor in our living room because my mom said she needed to tell us something, and that’s when the bad news started coming in. our mom told us that our Papa wasn’t going to make it because he was hurt too badly. My Papa had a really bad stomach, and he was sick. My cousins and I always had to rub his feet, and it was gross. But now we wish we could do that again. So now that I know mostly everything in life, I know that you should spend time with your grandparents, sick family, and parents because one day they are not going to be there and you’re going to wish you were there or you spent time with them.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

Tinayja Summers (13), Co-founder of Free Your Wings, Inc.


Youth Entrepreneurship

JayHuey Cosmetics

My name is Janyla Huey, I am 15 years old. I have had a strong passion for makeup for a very long time. I have literally always loved the art of it! My mom never allowed for me to wear it because I was so young. Growing up, I would always improvise with crazy things like using kool aid to make lipstick, vaseline as an eyebrow gel and other creative experiments.

Art is in my blood!#BabyBoss

Eventually around the age of 10 or 11 I was starting to get more into it. It took a lot of convincing but I finally got my mom to let me play around in it. I knew I wanted to be a makeup artist or something similar! Finally, my mom let me purchase makeup to start off. I started off with dollar tree mascara, highlighter and lip gloss, it was not the best, but it assisted me in my learning process. I used really cheap eyeshadow palettes to see what I could create with that. The final result would never turn out as good as I wanted, but it was always fun. My cousins let me practice my makeup craft on them when I didn’t even have the right tools for it. I would use q-tips as makeup brushes and even a black eyeshadow as a bronzer. I would watch plenty of youtube videos to get tips on makeup and eyeshadow. The very first serious eyeshadow palette I had ever got was the “Take Me Back to Brazil” palette. I saved up my money to buy it and I was extremely happy. After that I got more into eyeshadow and dramatic looks. I would watch a lot of youtube videos on makeup and eyeshadow.

My family is very supportive!

I practiced my craft often and eventually got really good at it. Whenever I was bored I would just see what I could create. Sometimes it would be a flop but I would always learn from it and improve in the areas that were not a success. My love for makeup grew and is now stronger than ever, and I have tons of products! I started to work with foundation and more facial products. I learned what did and did not work for me and eventually it came effortlessly. I now pour my all into my business and marketing. My journey started off with lipgloss and now I am working on lashes and my clientele is growing!

Artist, Model, Founder and CEO of JayHuey Cosmetics #YouthBoss

My purpose for writing this blog is to inspire youth of all ages to work hard for what you want! Understand that success does not come overnight, but the small things you do for your business will be the drive toward the long term results you desire. Thank you Free Your Wings, Inc. for allowing me to use my voice and push my craft! 

And did I mention that I do my moms makeup now!??? #BOOM


Environments for Young Children

By Aja K. Ellington

         Appropriate indoor/outdoor environments for young children promote their health and keep them safe. Environments should be tied to the children’s developmental characteristics. The environment should be viewed from a child perspective; see, touch, climb, examine, and explore. To have the knowledge on safe, healthy, and appropriate indoor and outdoor environments for young children is very important. Individuals who plan to work with children/youth or are currently working with youth need to understand the material so that it can be recognized whether or not youth/children environments are appropriate, healthy, and safe. It is also important for me to understand the environment information so that individuals can continue to put it to use in the current work field. It is important to arrange the indoor and outdoor environment to ensure health and safety.  It is important to have the ability to select materials and equipment that match children’s backgrounds, abilities, skills, needs, and interests. Parent involvement is also critical when creating appropriate environments and selecting and utilizing materials and equipment that encourage children’s development.

         To ensure a safe environment, it is important to recognize that the equipment is used by several children, therefore items should be sturdy, in good repair, free from splinters and peeling paint, and sized for the children enrolled. Regular safety checks should be completed. To insure a healthy and safe environment for young children’s growth and development in an environment should consist of:

  • Walls free of lead paint
  • Pictures hung on the wall at children’s eye level
  • Safety gates to block off areas that are not safe for children
  • Low shelves where children can reach for a variety of materials and toys
  • Items like those found at home such as; pots, curtains, a rocking chair.
  • Covers on electrical outlets
  • Music and other sounds
  • People, who talk to children, respond to their needs, and help children feel valued and loved

       Equipment and materials available for young children’s use should reflect their backgrounds, families’ cultures, and communities. Dress-up clothes and props should reflect children’s ethnic cultural backgrounds and languages spoke at home. Materials should match children’s individuals and developmental skills and interests. Materials in an environment indoor/outdoor should offer children challenges; but not challenges to frustrate them. Research states that children love to take on challenges and feel accomplished and successful; it leads them to feel eager to take on new challenges. Examples of equipment and materials that should be available for young children are as follows:

  • Recordings
  • Books
  • Posters
  • Signs
  • Recipes

Space is another key factor when working with children’s environments indoor and outdoor. Children in Head start and centers for children should have outdoor play, but even with having outdoor play the indoor environment should have a great deal of space for the children to move their bodies and use their large motor skills.

  • Hula hoops
  • Streamers to dance with
  • Tumbling mats
  • Indoor climbers
  • Cardboard cartons to crawl through
  • Rocking boats

These materials encourage children to use and develop physical skills. Outdoors should consist of an open area with a smooth surface (vinyl, wood, blacktop) for using wheeled toys. Children should be able to move indoor and outdoor without bumping into one another. Environments should have access to the outdoors (patio, park, backyard). Outside areas should consist of tables and chairs sized for the appropriate age group (eye level). The indoor/outdoor environments should be changed with the children’s’ growth.